Prémio Europeu para os contratos públicos verdes (Prémio GPP)


Lançamento do Prémio Europeu para Contratos Públicos Ecológicos (GPP Award)

Prazo de candidatura: até 30 de abril de 2016

Frankfurt, 1 February 2016. Public procurement can have a sweeping impact on a local authority's climate and energy performance. Municipalities and districts that implement sustainable procurement practices will now get the chance to receive much deserved recognition via the newly launched European GPP Award, which distinguishes outstanding green public procurement projects in Europe. Cities, towns and districts that have integrated green concepts into their procurement practices are urged to apply by 30 April 2016. Winners of the award will be announced in summer 2016. 

"By highlighting exemplary projects in the field, the GPP Award will encourage municipalities to use their purchasing power to choose environmentally friendly goods and services," stresses Susanne Brandt, project officer at Climate Alliance and coordinator of the GPP Award. The need for this encouragement is clear: According to EU estimates, local authorities spend almost 20 percent of GDP purchasing services, works and supplies. Often the principle buyers in sectors such as energy, transport and waste management, cities, towns and districts can do much to bolster the climate agendas by focusing on green procurement practices.  

Winners of this first ever European GPP Award will be chosen in three categories according to the size of the participating municipality. In the selection process, an independent jury will first decide on the best submissions. The jury will pay special attention to the CO2 savings brought about by each project as well as its level of innovation and transferability. Social responsibility and the local authority's commitment to energy efficiency will also be factored in. It is then up to the public to decide on the winners from this jury-selected pool via online voting on the Green ProcA website. Winners will be honoured in a ceremony to be held in summer 2016 and receive prominent position on the award website. The GPP Award is open to municipalities and public institutions in Europe that are bound to procurement directives.  

The GPP Award has been made possible by the European Union within the framework of the Green ProcA project, which works to promote green public procurement amongst public authorities and inspire them to embark on their own sustainable procurement projects. Green ProcA is helping municipalities develop sustainable procurement strategies, for example, by issuing green public procurement guidelines for public authorities. Green ProcA is managed by the Berliner Energieagentur with the support of Climate Alliance and ten other project partners spread across seven European countries.  


Green ProcA

European GPP Award

The GPP purchasing guidelines in English


Vanessa Schmidt, Berliner Energieagentur GmbH,

T. +49 30 2933 30 63,

Susanne Brandt, Climate Alliance,

T. +49 69 717139 20,


For more than 25 years, Climate Alliance member municipalities have been acting in partnership with indigenous rainforest peoples for the benefit of the global climate. With some 1,700 members spread across 26 European countries, Climate Alliance is the world's largest city network dedicated to climate action and the only one to set tangible targets: each member city, town and district has committed itself to reducing greenhouse gas emissions by 10 percent every 5 years. Recognising the impact our lifestyles can have on the world's most vulnerable people and places, Climate Alliance pairs local action with global responsibility.

